小强英语 第55期:"稻草人"英语怎么说?

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大家好,欢迎来到小强英语。大家对“稻草人”都很熟悉,它是一种用来防止鸟类,例如乌鸦,来扰乱农作物的设备。在英语当中,它叫scarecrow,an object in the shape of a person, which is put in a field where crops are growing in order to frighten birds away.立在田间,长着人样,然后用来吓跑鸟类的玩意。Scarecrow这个词的构造很有意思:scare是吓跑的意思,而crow是乌鸦,用来吓走乌鸦的东西就成了稻草人了。我们来看一下例句

A neighbor suggests that I put up a scarecrow near the vines, which would keep the birds away.

小强英语 第55期:"稻草人"英语怎么说?

好了,我们今天学习了稻草人的英语scarecrow。By the way, do you know how to make a scarecrow?不知道的小伙伴快问问度娘吧!这里是小强英语,我们下期再会。与小强互动,请上新浪微博@小强英语。
