英语口语练习小对话 地462期:挤出时间 异想天开

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Subject 1: I have to steal time to lear Chinese.

英语口语练习小对话 地462期:挤出时间 异想天开


A: Daniel, have you prepared well for your trip to China?

A: 丹尼尔,你为你的中国之旅做好准备了吗?

B: Oh, I have to steal time to learn Chinese. I hope I will have a nice journey.

B: 哦,我不得不挤出时间学汉语。我希望我有个快乐的旅程。

Subject 2: You are asking for the moon.


A: I hope that the teacher will not leave homework forever.


B: Oh, you are asking for the moon.
